Welcome to St James’
St James’ Primary is a successful school that is at the heart of its community. There are strong links with the parish church and these enhance the spiritual and moral development of the people we serve.
At St James’ we are committed to providing a high standard of Catholic education for all pupils in a friendly and welcoming environment. We recognise that every child has their own, unique set of gifts and talents and ensure that there are opportunities for these to be developed.
The school teaches children that we share values common to all faiths, namely love and respect for one another, Peace, Justice and belief in Equality. We teach our children about other faiths, in order to foster respect and tolerance of those with other faiths and beliefs.
St James' RC Primary School is situated in The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Southwark.
Click to see our Education Commission Inspection Report.
Umbrella Trust Statement
St. James’ is a single, stand-alone Academy that sits within the Bromley Catholic Schools Trust. The Bromley Catholic Schools Trust is an Umbrella Trust that has been established to promote and assist in the promotion of education in the London Borough of Bromley. The aims of the Trust are to promote the achievement of a high quality education for all pupils in all Catholic schools within the umbrella and to promote and develop the Catholic ethos.
There are currently six Bromley Catholic Schools in the umbrella Trust:
Holy Innocents’ RC Primary School
St. James’ RC Primary School
St. Mary’s RC Primary School
St. Peter and St. Paul RC Primary School
St. Philomena’s RC Primary School
St. Vincent’s Catholic Primary School
Each school is an equal partner within the Trust but one school acts as Chair for one year and this role is rotated on an annual basis. The school that is Vice Chair becomes the Chair the following year.
St James' RC Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all its staff and volunteers to share this commitment.
We are delighted to announce that our 2021 Ofsted Report states that we remain OUTSTANDING.
We are pleased to be ranked in The Sunday Times Top 50 Primary Schools in England.